ugh ugh ugh! again ugh!
So very tired of being told Sarah Palin represents Mothers. She represents no mother I know and honestly - flame away - with 5 children, one of whom is soon to be a mother and also one that is a special needs baby - I have to wonder if this is the right time for her to be seeking this political office. I know it is totally sexist because this would not be such an issue if she were a male candidate for VP - but she IS a woman. And she and her running mate, are so darned determined to paint her as a "hockey mom" - well - get yourself home, take care of your kids and watch them play hockey. Don't uproot them, move them across the country, into a huge city, send them into a tailspin and leave them to be raised by a nanny! (and in no way am I saying that mothers should not work - I just don't think this is the job for her at this time in her life and her children's lives.)
Drives me insane!
Oh, and thanks to the debate last night I now know that Sarah Palin knows all about Autism and other special needs children - when her child has Downs! Not at all the same as autism but thanks for playing McCain...
I also appreciate how John McCain calls me a pro-abortionist. I think this offends me more than anything else. Honestly - who is "Pro" abortion? I don't know anyone who thinks abortion is a good thing - which is what 'pro' means, that you are *for* abortion. I am absolutely not *For* abortion but, as in so many other things, this is a moral issue and should not be decided by politics and beliefs that are not my own. There are many many things that I think should not be regulated and morality is one of them.
And the fact that these yahoos really think it is in a child's/woman's/family's best interest to be forced to carry a child is beyond comprehension. If a 12 year old is impregnated by her father or someone else in her family you really think that it's a good thing she carries that baby? Really? What does that do to the psychological health of that poor child, not to mention her family. So now, not only does she have an *additional* daily reminder of what has been done to her she also has to deal with all the changes in her body, do all the attendant work that comes with carrying a child. She will also probably have to go to school and deal with the ridicule and/or judgement from her peers/church group/family - so she becomes even more disenfranchised than before. How does this make a good decision? How does the life of this young girl become secondary? Who benefits in this situation? Where is the greater good served?
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My Daughter has more foreign policy experience than Palin.
WTH? She really *DID* say she can see Russia from her house! A.) that statement is so ludicris B.) that she actually think that gives her any insight into foreign policy with Vladimir Putin. The fact that she's tried to defend this statement - I have no words, just a very vehement eyeroll and head shake...
I am with you on every level... my political posts on my blog, comments on my friends blogs and emails are now causing my oldest and dearest friend to call me un-Christian... and I am, at this moment, bawling because she really has declared our friendship over because of this stupid election.
But, you are so right about Palin... seriously, Olivia is more experienced with international relations than she is!
hey... find me on facebook. I couldn't find you.
Hey Mandy - I wrote this specifically after reading your blog and all the 'stuff' - I am so very sorry about your friend. I know how this walk has been for you and I so wish this wasn't happening to you. I figured all my friends know my political leanings and they can choose to agree or disagree - I can still hold my opinions. I know a lot of 2, 3 and 4 year olds with more experience internationally than she has!
Brandi... Brandi... Brandi..
I will always be your friend, but I am truly shocked by this post!
While I do not agree with Palin's abortion ideals, as a mother of 3 young girls, I do applaud her for sticking to her beliefs and running for political office! Why cannot Mr Palin stay home and take care of THEIR special needs baby and THEIR pregnant teenager? Did we just step back into the dark ages? Wow!
I follow my husband all over the country, uprooting my children every 2-4 years, all in order to serve my country (and protect your rights, including the right to make this post.. LOL!)..small price to pay for patriotism and honor. I am more than sure her children will adapt, mine have.. as a matter of fact they are thriving with knowledge and life experience! One of the best things she can do for her special needs child is to champion his cause! (and where better to do that than as a head of the country?)
How exactly isn't Sarah Palin a "hockey mom"? She surely seems like at least half the Mom's I know... (minus the political office and perfectly coiffed hair)...I think what is most important is that she is a MOM and a WOMAN.. a voice that has not been seen or heard in Washington..
Just for friendly debate and banter can you please list all or any of OBama's or Binden's foreign policy qualifications? (and Ella's too!)
(this comment is not ment to be inflammatory or mean.. just friendly debate!)
Trish! I'm totally not ignoring you - I am writing a response to you I just have to edit most of the superfluous stuff out first :) All the personal chitty chat stuff detracts from the point I am trying to make.
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