Saturday, January 03, 2009

100th Post

I know I already shared this story with some people but not everyone has heard it and as it makes me laugh and I think it is just adorable - I'm going to share it for my 100th blog post.

Ella: "Hey Mom, when I came out of your tummy and I was a girl it was a GREAT surprise right?"

Brandi: "Yes, it was a great surprise."

Ella: "Hey Mom, when I grow up and have a baby in my tummy it will be a great surprise too."

Brandi: "It will be a great surprise!"

Ella: "Yeah, but I will have to keep my eyes closed and not peek, right?"

Brandi: "Why can't you peek?"

Ella: "Well Mom, when God puts the baby in my tummy I have to close my eyes tight and not peek. Then when the baby is bigger and comes out of my tummy I will be SO Surprised!"

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