Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Convo in the Car

Maybe this'll be a new feature - bwahahaha - like I do anything regularly.

Bran: "Do you think we should have spaghetti for dinner?"
Anna: "Yeah, I want spaghetti with sausage. I want spaghetti, sausage and ice cream. I want spaghetti, sausage and ice cream at the restaurant. Spaghetti, sausage and ice cream at the Spaghetti Vac Tor Ee. Yeah, that's a good plan. Hey Mom, let's have dinner at the Spaghetti Vac Tor Ee. How do you say 'edamame' in Spanish?"

At which point we pulled up to the house and got out of the car. Fortunate timing for me as I have no idea how to say edamame in Spanish ;)

Maybe the post would be more accurately titled, "Monologue in the Car."


Anonymous said...

I'm not even sure I knew what a spaghetti Vac Tor Ee was at their age. I know that edamame was a total unknown. And yes talking to Anna is like lighting a fuse, just say something and stand back.

Sam and Brandi said...

and you would know all about lighting fuses and standing back... ;)