Sunday, May 31, 2009

What do you think of this?

This article has been out for a few weeks now. I find it fascinating and at the same time somewhat disturbing - kind of like a big practical joke played on Mothers but yet - I can't just take it at face value - seems too defeatist. Now I have something else to research - not that I have a reason to need this information but it is always good to know something new and really, this seems like, if it is even partially true, just another way of subjugating women. Maybe it's too late to be reading and responding to this and I'll have a better head after a few days of letting it percolate...

A thought - I'm thinking it might be disturbing b/c where I am, as a wife and mother - this is what 'good' moms do and so not to, the corollary - you aren't as good but if you are vested in being a good or better mom and then it turns out that it really isn't better or Best than there is one less thing to 'qualify' or quantify good mothers and really, how helpful is that in the Mommy Wars? ;)

ETA: As a sidenote, I found the origins of La Leche League, extremely amusing. What a difference a few decades makes :)


MSB said...

I have read this article before... and, since my kiddos are working at driving me crazy I don't have time to read the whole thing again right now... but, my opinion on breastfeeding?? It was easy for me and so I did it. I am a stay-at-home mom that took my baby every where with me anyway... it was way easier to grab the baby and since my boobs were always with me, so was the milk, always the right amount and always the right temp... I didn't have to carry bottled water (when we lived in Germany) or ask flight attendants or waitresses to warm up bottles. I didn't have to worry about staying out too long and not having enough formula... for me, breast feeding was so easy! But, I know it is not for everyone. I am the first to admit that had I gone back to work I would not have done it... for some reason, I was physically incapable of pumping...
Anyway, whole point, to each their own.

Sam and Brandi said...

MandySue, I don't/didn't necessarily mind the breast feeding, I do think it was much easier than dealing with bottles. The issue I have is the rationale as to why we *need* to breastfeed. It seems like just another way to set women up for competition and/or fail. I don't think I'm still explaining this well.