Driving home with Ella and her little friend after a birthday party today.
Ella: I'm only going to invite girls to my birthday party.
Zoe: Well Ella, could you invite one boy.
Ella: Sure.
Me: Which boy would you invite?
Ella: Ian.
Zoe: Yeah!
Me: Ella do you like Ian?
Ella: Yes.
Zoe: He's my boyfriend.
Me: Do you have a boyfriend, Ella?
Ella: No.
Me: Do you want a boyfriend Ella?
Ella: Yes.
Me: (ACK!!! inside my head) Who do you want as your boyfriend?
Ella: Ian.
Zoe: But Ella, Ian's my boyfriend.
Me: Ella, do you mean boyfriend, or a boy who is a friend?
Ella: A boy who is a friend.
Me: (PHEW!!! inside my head) Well, I think Zoe is talking about a 'booooyyyyfriend' - do you want a boooooyyyyfriend?
Ella: No, just a boy who is a friend.
Zoe: Good, because Ian's mine! But, Ella, do you want babies? You have to have a boyfriend to have babies.
Ella: No.
Zoe: You don't want babies?
Me: (ACK!!! inside my head) Well, I think you need to have a husband before you can have a baby. (oh crap, hope her mom was married when she was born or her mom will think I'm totally judgemental. Stink!)
Me: Ella, do you want to have kids?
Ella: Yes.
Me: Zoe, Ella doesn't want to have babies.
Zoe: You don't want to have babies!?!?!??
Ella: No. My mom said I could 'adot' a kid. My mom said I could.
Zoe: You mean, 'adoP'.
Me: The word is actually 'adopT'
Ella: Well, I will adopT a kid, but not a baby.
An adorable conversation - with a bit of fear on my part. No talking about boyfriends and babies when you are FIVE!!!
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