Sam and I got our long-term Children's passes today. Our passes are good for the next six months so we won't have to get them every day or every week. That will definitely save us time as we are checking in to the hospital.
Anna had a blood draw this morning and was supposed to follow that up with her biopsy, spinal chemo and two IV chemos. Well, her platelets were low, again, so she needed another transfusion. The only problem is b/c she was being put under anesthesia she wasn't allowed to eat, the poor thing was Starving!
She came home and promptly started eating. Up first, three cheese sticks. :)
Not a lot today, news and movement on the photographer. Our trip is cancelled and paperwork sent into the airline and Disney from Anna's attending and social worker.
We didn't get full lab results back today - I did speak with Anna's nurse practioner and she gave me some numbers. Unfortunately, the results from her biopsy won't be available until at least tomorrow. Sunday she is scheduled to go back in for another set of labs. We made the appointment for early in the morning (we can't all go to church anyway :( ) so that if she has to have a transfusion it will happen earlier rather than later.
One of the chemos, Daunarubicin, has an interesting side effect. We arrived home from the hospital and Anna needed to go to the bathroom. Sam came out and said, "Um, is something wrong with her pee? It is pink." Fortunately I knew of that possible effect and was able to reassure him. The other chemo, the Vincristine has the unfortunate problem of causing jaw pain. This means Anna hurts too badly to eat unless she has had pain medication. Poor Monkey. There are also problems with the spinal and the bone marrow aspiration - they cause her pain in her hips.
I don't have a ton of news for numbers today:
-Hematocrit is slightly up
-Platelets are up after transfusion on Tuesday, but still too low
-White blood cell count is down, expected - kind of the goal of chemotherapy
-ANC: Absolute Neutrophil Count - these are the special cells that give us an indication of how her blood cells are recovering - stayed the same as Tuesday.
-Blasts are down
More news in the late afternoon tomorrow. That's the problem with doing clinic instead of hospital, hospital results come Much more quickly - it is Awesome being home though!!!
Kind of blah today, long and mostly I'm just very tired. Dinner was great! We came home from the hospital, unpacked, got Ella started on homework, I started doing my hospital homework and dinner arrived. Perfect timing. Thank You So Much!
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