Sunday, September 11, 2011

and clearly, yet again, there is a message I need to have and pay attention to and hear.

Browsing through a friend's blog entries. This pops up, I scroll past it, usually I read the verses but do not dwell on them. Tonight I had to re-read this about six times, for some reason the page kept scrolling back to it while I was trying to scroll away. So, thanks MSB for unknowingly, months ago, helping me to re-center and re-focus today.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.
~Matthew 6:31-34

So, clearly, the timing is not mine but the message is all for me.

1 comment:

MSB said...

He always knows what we need just when we need it. Praying always for you guys.