Friday, April 15, 2011

Creepy thing. Lately Anna has been asking about people dying. When do people die, will I (Bran) die, will she (Anna) die, when will she die. Then, we are driving around and she is saying (multiple times), "Goodbye world." Freaks my shit out. I HATE it when she does that. "Mom, when will I die?" I am utterly mortified whenever she says it and honestly I knnow she doesn't relate cancer and death anymore than she relates children and death. Dying is for old people and I think it is an age/curious/defining phase more than anything else but still...I have a hard enough time keeping my own horrible thoughts away - I don't need Anna helping add to them. I think Ella was three or four when she started asking these types of questions but now - it is so in my face.

***I just keep thinking about the net nanny and MS and it makes me laugh. I think there is only one word for you today *@*!*! Thinking of you. Love you.

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