Unexpected Connections in the Universe - or Why Cancer Can Slap You in the Face
There are these really cool picture frames that are becoming more and more popular. They are curved and fluid and quite pretty and there is a frame I have pretty much been coveting since I saw it. They are made by a company called Organic Blooms and then another series of frames by an Etsy shop, The Orange Blossom Shop. I can order the frame in the size and color I want from Etsy, the only problem is that it isn't the frame I want - don't get me wrong, I'd be pretty happy with any of the frames from OBS... But, I want the frame from Organic Blooms. I love it. I've loved it since the first day I saw it. Totally petty and first world - I get it. I'm on my way to a point - you just have to read this stuff first.
I finally get to the revamped/new website with the contact info, however, they don't sell to mere peons. They only sell to professional photographers. On the old website there is no information about how to contact anyone to buy them from. I email them for information and they email me back saying to use the tab for locate a seller. Finally realize (again) there are two different sites and the new site has the tab but not the old site.
I get to the tab, get five names and pick the first one, she's 1.2 miles from our house, check out her website, like her pics but don't find any information on the frames. I decide I can email her to ask if she sells the frames and decide to check out her about me page. She talks about her life a bit, her husband, her family, she has five sons. Then - BAM!!! - pay attention! - Cancer Freaking Sucks! - She now has four sons because her oldest son was diagnosed at age 4 and died at age 6 from his cancer. WTF?!?!?! How do I go from being excited at finding a way to possibly get this thing that I really covet more than I should to bawling my eyes out. Then I couldn't stop reading and reading and crying and crying. Her son passed away six years ago and the posts aren't very often, but they are so well-written and so poignant and she just broke my heart time and time again. :(
So - eventually I did manage to email her, brief note about our story, what I'm looking for...she replied and I made her cry too. She emailed me back. She thought I wanted her to photograph Anna. :( She said she would have done it but it would really hard and she didn't want to so she was quite glad I hadn't actually asked. So we basically were slapped in the face with our kids and cancer. Made for a bit of a rough afternoon - good after all of it - but a rough way to get there.
Oh yeah, and she's going to special order my frame. :)
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